Sunday, May 8, 2011

Touhoku area need electric power3

Thermal power plants 
Sendai Thermal Power Station Unit 4: Down
New Sendai Thermal Power Station Unit 1 ,2- Down

Haramachi Thermal Power Station Unit 1,2 - Down
Hachinohe solar power plant construction site
1500kW output

Hydro facilities
Equipment damage 11
Building falling rock,sediment influx 2

Electric substation equipment
Equipment damage 18
Transformer damage 86, Breaker damage  198, Disconnector injury 181

Transmission plant
Equipment damage 28, Inclined pylon fracture damage 42,
Broken insulator wire breakage 32,Underground cables damaged 15,Landslide 20

Distribution plant
Breakage or tilt support 26569
Broken or shot circuit wire 33121
Damage to transformers and switchgear 9010

13 May 
Thermal power plants 
Sendai Thermal Power Station Unit 4: Down
New Sendai Thermal Power Station Unit 1 ,2- Down
Haramachi Thermal Power Station Unit 1,2 - Down
Hydro facilities
Equipment damage 11
Building falling rock,sediment influx 2
Electric substation equipment
Equipment damage 15
Transformer damage 86, Breaker damage  198, Disconnector injury 196
Transmission plant
Equipment damage 27, Inclined pylon fracture damage 42,
Broken insulator wire breakage 32,Underground cables damaged 15,Landslide 20
Onagawa town

Working with rock drilling machine 16 May Ishinomaki city

Distribution plant
Breakage or tilt support 27308
Broken or shot circuit wire 34323
Damage to transformers and switchgear 9199



A public comment of Ministry of the Environment

About Pet disaster
                                                        April 27, 2011
                                                       Ministry of the  Environment
1. Major initiatives in the Ministry
  Collaboration with local government headquarters and animal emergency and disaster relief ,
  pet disaster relief aid.
  For about 15 animal rights organizations and associations,
including the four components that make pet food associations and animal emergency and disaster relief headquarters ,
adequate housing and protection of domestic animals in the affected areas make emergency and disaster animal rescue headquarters Cooperation to support the call for feeding.

1,777 individual animal cages, 24 to buy extended tents, disaster preparation in order to distribute to local governments in April.
  Headquarters sent an animal rescue workers from emergency and disaster management office name animal .
  The 2011 budget book , assistance for the establishment of temporary animal shelters and the affected areas.

2. Efforts of local governments
  Custody of the dog owner , wandering dogs, etc., by each local government capacity in public health based on animal control laws and animal care center, transfer, conduct searches and their owners.
  Animal rights groups and regional  Veterinary Medical Association, the distribution of goods such as pet food and animal safety deposit box at a treatment works with the affected local governments, and conduct information-gathering and shelter.
  Iwate Prefecture,  Miyagi, in Fukushima Prefecture and Sendai City Veterinary Medical Association rural municipalities, and local animal rescue headquarters and local animal welfare groups and others, organized the activities.
  Iwate is a housing policy that allowed pets in temporary housing.
  37 companies from 88 members of the Association of pet food companies , has offered the support of a total of approximately 293 tons of pet food, out one by one.

3. Pet of the hazard area
  • About 20 km radius within Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, while the area is set as the guard has 22 midnight, enter on a temporary adjustment that is where a specific implementation procedures.

  - Ministry of Environment, at the time of adjustment and implementation procedures associated with entry into the pet out of pause, Fukushima Prefecture, in collaboration with the Japan Veterinary Medical Association and animal welfare organizations and, where consultations for victims of nuclear team from life support .

Their activities

(Foundation) for the Humane Society of Japan, gathering information about animal rescue in the affected areas, to ask about policies such as support (March 11, 7:30 pm)
(Foundation) Humane Society of Japan, (s) and the Japanese Association for Animal Welfare (Corporation) and the Japan Association of pet (s) and the Japan Veterinary Medical Association "animal emergency and disaster relief headquarters" launched (15 March 14: 00), recruitment start of donations.
Parliamentary Secretary from the gutter height, for about 15 animal rights organizations, issued a document on cooperation concerning the request to the proper care and support animal conservation in private households in the affected area housing the headquarters to do animal emergency and disaster relief (3 May 14, 21:30).
Transporting relief supplies to pet food manufacturers based in Sendai (March 18).
For the temporary keeping of pets of victims evacuated to the metropolitan area, which referrals accepted conduct consultation with the Japanese Association for Animal Welfare.
And the flow of rumors have been killed and a few days as well as peace and protected by the pet health centers, announced on its website to check the effect on local governments is not the case for this disaster (March 23) .
Through the intermediary of the Japanese Association for pets, pet companion near the primary victims Hukushima
About and start receiving facility in Chiba City Itikawa. (March 28)
37 companies from 88 member associations of pet food companies, a total of approximately 293 tons (170 tons for dogs, cats for 121 tons, 2 tons for the rabbit) was offered in support of pet food. Total of 82 tons of Miyagi, Iwate, Fukushima, Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, have been shipped to. About 211 tons are preparing to provide the rest. (March 31)
To attend the second special meeting animal emergency and disaster relief headquarters, aimed at sharing information with relevant bodies on the direction of present and future initiatives. (March 30)
The Ministry of the Environment, 1,777 individual animal cages, 24 to buy extended tents distributed to local governments in order to prepare the disaster in April (March 31)
In the Ministry of fiscal year 2011 budget, under consideration for support for the establishment of temporary animal shelters and the affected areas. (March 31)
Headquarters sent an animal rescue workers from emergency and disaster management office name Humane Environment (April 1 - May 2)
3rd Extraordinary Conference on Animal emergency and disaster relief headquarters, after consultation with other organizations concerned about distribution of donations. (April 4)
Rikuzentakata Kamaishi City and has shown a housing policy that allowed pets in temporary housing, Iwate Prefecture, is thought to provide support and advice and supplies and cages. (April 8)
Animal emergency and disaster relief headquarters, is now accepting grant applications for relief donations established in the Division Headquarters. The document issued by the government and animal rights groups about 14 victims of this guide. (April 11)
Emergency and disaster relief headquarters from animals, pets on request consideration for tenants in temporary housing for affected local governments. (April 13)
Cases known to the affected local governments Surubeku blue-chip regional efforts to create a collection of good practices, and on the website. (April 14)
Miyagi, Iwate Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture municipalities in three provinces, equipped with systems to animal rescue organizations in cooperation with the local Veterinary Medical Association and animal welfare. (April 15)
Disaster stricken animal rescue headquarters Iwate Prefecture: Iwate Prefecture, consists of 10 animal welfare organizations and the Veterinary Medical Association in Iwate Prefecture. Veterinary Medical Association headquarters office. Established on March 22.
Emergency and disaster relief headquarters Miyagi affected animals: composed of Miyagi Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture Veterinary Medical Association. County Veterinary Medical Association headquarters. Established March 18.
Animal Disaster Relief Headquarters extraordinary measures Sendai: Sendai City, Sendai City Veterinary Medical Association and NPO corporation composed of two groups. Temporary City Veterinary Medical Group. Established on March 25.
Animal Rescue Group Fukushima: Fukushima Prefecture, Iwaki, Koriyama City, and the animal rights group composed of Fukushima Veterinary Medical Association. Established on April 15.
39 companies from 88 member associations of pet food companies, a total of approximately 293 tons (180 tons for dogs, cats for 111 tons, 2 tons for the rabbit) was offered in support of pet food. Total of 90 tons of Miyagi, Iwate, Fukushima, Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, have been shipped to. About 203 tons are preparing to provide the rest. (April 15)
The Fourth Conference on temporary headquarters animal emergency and disaster relief, first aid for pets when taking out and enter into a temporary hazard area, after consulting with related organizations. (April 18)
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear radius of about 20km to rescue stricken pets to enter a short, based on notification of local nuclear emergency response headquarters, announced that intrude on the home page. (April 19)
In the Ministry of fiscal year 2011 budget, in coordination with local governments for assistance on the development of animal housing facility established by the municipality affected Wataru Yuzuru. (April 21)
Relief arrangements for pets in the area in Fukushima Prefecture and the Ministry of caution. (April 22)
Conference on the 5th Extraordinary Animals emergency and disaster relief headquarters, after consultation with relevant bodies and procedures for taking out specific implementation according to the hazard area pet. (April 25)
Prefab house set in the Shinjuku Imperial Gardens Animal Rescue Group, as a base for an integrated emergency and disaster supplies (April 27)
118 animals in cages for the Ministry of Intent to purchase 32 additional expansion, a total of 1,895 individual animal cages, Zhang provided 56 tents. Of this number 1,398 animal cages, while other ships and local governments affected victims of the extended acceptance tent 56. The remaining 497 pieces of animal cages in preparation for delivery (April 22)
The survey started and abandoned pets within 20 km radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in Fukushima Prefecture. April 28, accompanied the first day of two Ministry representatives. Five-day study is scheduled for May 2. (April 28)
Affected animal emergency and disaster relief headquarters Miyagi animal emergency and disaster relief headquarters, headquarters for animal rescue animal rescue headquarters and Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, decide the grant of donations (April 28)
Attended the 6th extraordinary session animal emergency and disaster relief headquarters, after consultation with relevant bodies such as the implementation plan for taking out a pet according to the hazard area. (May 2)
That bring in relief supplies and pet food supplies headquarters based integrated emergency and disaster relief animals were placed in Shinjuku Imperial Gardens. (May 4)

2,3 May the American Animal rescue the NPO and the Ministry of IFAW, or how to save animals exposed to radiation, called the meeting to.

IFAW is should have some recommendations to government already, will this time. And if not put their recommendations to the government, that there are forces that oppose animal rescue. That somebody, but I have no idea about, Mori also said, please please make yourself very well to gather information.
The Democratic Party, said animal abuse situation might get.

Sunday, May 1, 2011



And we got many japanese comments for this mission.
"Please exercise of US military bases attract our town"
"News media should do more to rescue the US reporting on!! Why not??"
"A lesser media coverage of the U.S. military relief efforts more. This effort to hide the U.S. military - and out of line."
"Soul Train named the campaign, the U.S. military will consult the reconstruction activities in affected areas with a sense of mission,as we thank as the Japanese."

"Even though the debris removal work not like the military.
But the work lead you to think that a great military mind and body.
I will cheer."

From Japanese media


Japan coast guard released   some movies.
Iwate pref Kamaishi

The lighthouse north of the mouth of the harbor breakwater Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture,
Great eastern Japan earthquake were damaged by the tsunami earthquake, has released a video special rescue team has set up temporary lights .
Completed in 2008, the "bulwark of the depth of the world's largest" breakwater mouth of the port of Kamaishi are registered in Guinness Book of Records as they are destroyed without mercy in the fury of the tsunami, a lighthouse was installed in the outer end of the breakwater north slope ,
illumination function has been lost.This video is no sound.

11 March .
Gas tank to fall in high-pressure gas facility Chiba Oil Refinery in Ichihara, Chiba Pref,
Japan Coast Guard to the scene of the accident and was taken to the flames were under a gas pipe burst,
the coast guard to fire fighting boat "HIRYU" picture has been published in National 27 April