Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant 

No. 1: According to TEPCO plans to inject nitrogen gas into the reactor containment
can prevent hydrogen explosion in the evening of 6 april for escape hydrogen explosion in reactor
According to the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency,
the reactor temperature and pressure stability.
Pumping for contaminated water containing high concentrations of radioactive material
accumulated in the turbine building basement,
from continuing to pile 3 days to transport the condensate storage tank in which to transport the condenser.
No. 2: According to TEPCO, working near the water intake hole (pit) of contaminated water
had stopped flowing into the sea from 5:30 am 6 april too.

Turn on the afternoon of July 5 from a coagulant, was successfully stopped the outflow pathway cough.
Mine pits and the accompanying (trenches) and paying attention to changes in water level.
According to NISA, the underground contaminated water will take up the turbine building of the pile 09
to transfer the condensate storage tank from the condenser.
Building process has become more centralized environments
where another candidate has transferred in the discharge into the sea about 10,000 tons of low concentrations of groundwater.
It has nearly completed AM6:00 6 april.
The reactor conditions are stable, the spent fuel pool water temperature,
according to the nuclear emergency response headquarters at 68 degree  midnight 6 April.

Unit 3: Safety Agency said the state of the reactor is stable.
Fuel pool for cooling, 75 tons of freshwater discharge plans concrete pump trucks at 5:00 pm 6 April.
Contamination of underground water treatment with regard to the turbine building,
preparing to transfer to the pile from the condensate storage tank in which to transport the condenser.
Unit 4: The reactor is stopped and inspected.
Safety Agency says because of the fuel pool cooling,
20 tons of concrete drainage pump drive too fresh from 5:30 pm 5 April .
According to the nuclear emergency response headquarters,
so the pool water temperature was 50 degrees at 7:00 am yesterday.
Unit 5 Unit 6: According to the Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters,
5-6 Tuesday night to continue the release of 1500 tons of contaminated water into the sea at low concentrations from Sabudoren pitto Unit.
Unit 5 and 6 have already switched to the external power supply,
the reactor is 100 degrees or less "cool down" fuel pool water temperature is settled at the level usual.

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