Sunday, March 13, 2011


A women reporter is reportedly found the bodies of200 and 300. She is at a distance of three kilometers before the district Arahama Wakabayashi-ku Sendai City .


Sendai city fire department has released this video 31 March.
Their heli fly over from miyagino to Arahama.

April 06, 2011
By Summary by Claire Ives, International Volunteer Writer
Hearing the tsunami sirens sound after the 9.0 earthquake Mr. Kikuchi rushed upstairs to get his napping 12 year old daughter before racing inland to reach an evacuation center. Luckily for the Kikuchi family Japan has the most sophisticated tsunami warning system of any country in world. Devices floating off the coast measure the height of incoming waves. Plus everyone knows where his evacuation center is when he hears the tsunami warning sirens go off.

Even so with a half hour at most to reach safety we now know that thousands have perished and whole towns were obliterated by the tsunami’s thirty foot wave.

Kaya Kikuchi, the family’s 20 year old daughter, was coming home from work at the time the sirens went off. She remembered that the two family dogs, Towa, a Sheltie,and Melody, a Golden Retriever, were normally left tied up outside the house to a shed during the day. She went to her cousin and begged to use a car to go to the Kikuchi house to rescue the dogs. But a half mile from her home the police stopped them. They said a tsunami was coming and she couldn’t go any farther.

Kaya told her cousin that as soon as she could she was going to walk home. “I was crushed,” said Kaya. “I thought the dogs would surely be dead.”

But Towa and Melody had broken free from their ropes and ran up an outside stairway to the Kikuchi home’s second floor and inside the house. There they stayed waiting for the family to come home. Luckily the house is in a neighborhood which missed being totally flattened by the tsunami. Unfortunately during the days after the tsunami which devastated Japan’s northeast coast hundreds of bodies were found around the town of Arahama.

Two days after the tsunami Mr. Kikuchi and Kaya set out on the dangerous walk from the evacuation center to find their house. The likelihood of finding their dogs at all was close to zero. Mr. Kikuchi was wearing his construction job hard hat and one piece jumpsuit and boots. Both knew the way because they often had walked their dogs over these same roads. Now they were walking above thick mud and debris many feet deep. Mr. Kikuchi warned Kaya not to slip in a bad place because she might sink in the mud and never make it out. He showed her the water marks left by the tsunami on walls left standing which came up to his chest.

When the Kikuchis reached the house they found it completely turned upside down but otherwise intact. Wonderful news! They could hear the dogs barking from inside the house. There was an inch of muddy water on the kitchen floor, now the ground floor. Miraculously Towa and Melody were inside and still alive! The dogs scratched at the now closed door and barked excitedly to be let out, safe and sound but covered in mud.

The Kikuchis were so happy to find their dogs. They have been returning home every day from the evacuation center, which as in most places unfortunately did not accept family pets, to feed and care for their lucky dogs. A bright spot amidst all the awful tragedy of Japan.


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