Sunday, March 13, 2011

FUKUSHIMA nuclear power plant

Nuclear Safety Commission of japan said about Fukushima nuclear power plant  now(pm17:30 13 March japan time)
I got  new news about nuclear power plant.

They are trying to stop temparature rising in reactor pressure vessel by seawater.
In reactor pressure vessel ,the top of fuel rod containments is exposure.
So they are trying to put in sea water inside it.

I think Nuclear Safety Commission of japan is not good.
They are very secretive commission.
They are japan's bureaucratic organization with a drawback,inflexible hard stubborn head to fool
the public.
They must communicate understandable information to the public soon.
I feel they hide serious problem like radioactive leak.
I cannot trust their press conference.
This problem is not only japan . Its a world wide serious problem.
I am ashamed as a japanese

I want to get more information about this very serious problem.

This is a link of this topics but only japanese please use  translate site.

Content of this site

TEPCO Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 on 13 Fukushima Daiichi, believed to have occurred as a large amount of hydrogen in a nuclear reactor, there is a possibility that a hydrogen explosion in the reactor building as the No. 1 to clarify, to consider how to remove these hydrogen. According to TEPCO, at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant Unit 3, 13 at 11:30 am, the water level in the reactor was up to 2 meters 10 centimeters above the fuel rods, was measured 1.5 hours later at 1:00 pm , if the water level is down is that the exposed surface of the water about 2 meters above the rod. This condition, in that lasted until at least 3:00 pm, could no longer adequately cool the reactor is that it may have accumulated on top of the reactor building is occurring in large quantities of hydrogen. Thus, as the No. 1 on September 12, there is a likelihood of a hydrogen explosion in the reactor building of Unit 3 is that it is considering ways to remove these hydrogen. TEPCO, the decline in water level of this "fuel could melt some of the" look and continued to put water in the reactor operation, to want to ensure the water level.

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